Advantages of Solar Energy
What is Solar Energy?
And what's its use? In fact, solar energy is obtained by the sun rays. We know that the sun is a powerful source of energy and it can be utilized by installing solar energy.
Advantages of Solar Energy
We use solar energy, the energy from the sun, into electricity and in our homes and business. Solar energy has become a major theme in today's era of renewal. Do you know the interesting fact that with 1 hour of solar energy we can meet the requirements of up to 1 year, but unfortunately we are able to use only 0.001% of this energy.
Solar technology is constantly improving, thus increasing our ability to harness the abundance of sun's energy. According to a report by the International Energy Agency (2017), the use of solar energy has increased rapidly and the growth of solar energy has been found to be more than all other fuels. The day is not far away when we will all be able to unite and avail electricity and other benefits generated from solar energy.
How solar panels work?
Solar cells are made up of silicon and cells together form solar energy. When photons hit a solar cell they loosen electrons with their atoms. When the positive and negative sides of the conductor cell are attached, an electrical circuit is formed and when electrons flow through such circuits, electricity is generated.
Let us see what can be the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy in itself.
Benefits of Solar Energy
Solar Power Is Pollution Free
While generating the source of electricity or other energy, there is some pollution and it harms the environment by pollution. On the other hand, there is no such difficulty in the genesis of solar energy.
Not relying on other sources of energy not to depend to other energy sources
After the existence of solar energy and its increased use, the pressure on other energy sources has been reduced, which is a good sign for both the ecosystem and the environment.
Not much Maintenance
Solar power systems do not require too much maintenance. There is a need for cleanliness twice every year, but it should be kept in mind that it is always done by experts who know this work properly. Inverters are also a part of the system, which has to be converted into five 10 years, i.e., in addition to the initial cost, there is very little cost on maintenance and repair work.
More Safer
Solar energy is much safer than traditional electricity sources, whether it is for use or maintenance and repair.
Renewable Energy
Solar energy is actually a source of renewable energy. It can be used in every corner of the world, that is, it is always available. Unlike other sources of energy, solar energy is a source of never-ending energy.
Reduction in electricity bill
Since you will meet all your energy needs from the electricity generated by solar energy, you will get relief from the huge cost of electricity bills. How much you can save on your bill depends on your needs.
Maximum use Max use
Solar energy is used for various purposes. Anything can generate electricity or heat (solar thermal) by solar energy. Can deliver electricity to areas without electricity, use it in factories, supply clean water, use in household chores, use for space satellites.
Industrial development
Successful increasing use of solar energy has increased industrial development and is expected to grow rapidly in future.
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